At your service
Here to shake (not stir) the market!
Utilize JAMES, the seamless, fast & secure trading bot
For Your Eyes Only
Covert Swaps
Access abundant liquidity with our 1inch Enterprise API, safeguarded by RabbitHole for MEV attack protection
Trading with Elegance and Precision
James Bot presents a sophisticated arsenal of features, tailored to ensure your trading victory.
Perpetual Trading
Execute long or short positions utilizing Vela Exchange
Copy Trading
Replicate the trades of world class leaders
Category Buys
Easy diversification into entire sectors through a single transaction with CoinGecko integration
Enhanced Security
Battle-tested 1inch Router
Wallet Management provided by Web3Auth.

Put simply
: your keys, your crypto - no exceptions.
Regularly Audited Codebase both internally and externally.
Espionage Points Tracking
Beta Launch
Initial Telegram Offering as a Service (ITOaaS)
P&L analysis
EVM Expansion
Bridge & Swap
Bot as a Service (BaaS)
WhatsApp Integration
Marketplace for Trade Signals